$CASH in Retro LPs

While $CASH held in wallets receive daily yields in the form of a rebase, $CASH held in LPs have that yield converted to bribes for the LP pair.

For example, if there is a MATIC/$CASH LP on Retro with $2M TVL, and $CASH is yielding at 10% APY, there would be a default bribe amount as follows:

$2M TVL / 2 ($CASH is half of the pair) = $1M $CASH in the LP

$1M $CASH * 10% APY = $100K yields / year

$100K / 52 weeks a year = $1,923/epoch in $CASH bribes

These $CASH bribes will be added to whatever external bribes are placed on the pair.

The reasoning behind sending $CASH yields from LPs to bribes is threefold:

  • Liquidity providers win: Historically, a ve(3,3) bribe of $1 will almost always bring in >$1 of emission rewards to that pair by incentivizing veToken holders to vote for that pair. The liquidity provider should actually earn more revenue with $CASH autobribes than with $CASH rebases.

  • veRETRO holders win: In addition to the LPs getting greater rewards, veRETRO holders also win because there are more bribes in the Retro ecosystem. With more bribes, there are more rewards going around to chase and earn.

  • Retro wins: Finally, with more bribes and more reasons to lock $RETRO and $oRETRO into veRETRO to chase those bribes, Retro itself benefits from a greater % of liquid token being locked (instead of being sold, presumably), which supports the $RETRO price, which keeps Retro APRs high among liquidity pairs, which attracts more TVL, etc. A greater flywheel effect.

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